The Rabbinical Alliance of America — Igud HaRabbonim, representing over 950 American rabbis — includes members from across the spectrum of Orthodox Judaism, each member passionate about his beliefs and dedicated to the fulfillment of his Jewish mission. Segments represented within the RAA include Chasidic, Lithuanian, Chabad, Modern Orthodox, Ashkenazic, Sephardic, and more. Additionally, even within those broad categories, each member follows specific traditions and holds unique views. As Orthodox rabbis, RAA’s members share mutual beliefs about Judaism, Torah and the Creator. However, on specific issues, the members will disagree, sometimes passionately, sometimes even considering the other member’s views religiously invalid. These debates have occurred throughout history and will continue for the foreseeable future.

RAA cherishes the opportunity to bring such a diverse group under a single umbrella organization. This accomplishment epitomizes the ideal of Achdus, unity, the ability to overlook our differences in order to join in a common Torah mission. In this world full of confusion, we work together to spread Torah values and practices, accomplishing even more because of our differences, reaching wider audiences because of our different origins and approaches. RAA encourages members to consult with their Torah mentors on all matters so they are best able to think and act authentically and honestly, teach Torah in the way they do best, touch as many souls as possible, sanctify this world through Torah study and mitzvah acts.

Because of this blessed diversity of RAA membership, each member speaks for himself only and not for the organization. RAA embraces vigorous debate in the time-honored rabbinic tradition and encourages members to publish learned articles and speak passionately about the issues of the day. Therefore, RAA neither endorses nor objects to statements by members made in their own name. Only messages emerging from the RAA office represent the organization’s stance on any issue.

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