1) Pay your membership dues of $125 by clicking on the button below. You can pay with credit card, QuickPay, Zelle or PayPal. Payment must include the same name and email as the RAA/Igud ID. If you strongly prefer not to pay online, you can call the Igud office (1-833-RAA-IGUD) or send in your payment to RAA/Igud, 11 Sunrise Plaza Suite 305, Valley, New York 11580.

2) Click on the “Fill Out Form” button to access the form to update your information and upload a picture for your ID card:

You can pay one year of membership dues of $125 using QuickPay or Zelle to rabbi@igud.us or by clicking on the button below.

You can pay three years of membership dues of $375 using QuickPay or Zelle to rabbi@igud.us or by clicking on the button below.

2) Update Membership Info and Upload Picture for ID
Click here or click on the “Fill Out Form” button below